Events, News

Screening of the 1970 film “King, a Filmed Record… Montgomery to Memphis”


Sunday 18 February 6.30pm at Sands Films
Screening of the 1970 film “King, a Filmed Record… Montgomery to Memphis”

We were delighted to be back at the beautiful Sands Films Cinema for a special screening of a rarely-seen documentary directed by the highly respected Hollywood director Sydney Lumet (12 Angry Men, Dog Day Afternoon, Network, Serpico).

Lumet co-directed and co-produced the film with another Hollywood luminary, Joseph L. Mankiewicz. The clips trace King’s life and accomplishments from the 1955 bus boycott to his 1968 assassination.
We were delighted to have author Richard Reddie join TPNS’s Deborah Burton for the discussion after the film. Richard Reddie is a writer, researcher, cultural and religious commentator and broadcaster, notably the author of the well-received biography of Martin Luth er King Jr: history maker (Lion 2011).

At 3 hours, the film is utterly immersive, tracking it as does, the full 13 years of Dr. King’s work. First, the fight segregation, then latterly, economic inequality and the war in Vietnam.

It shows a young MLK aged 25, embarking on bus boycott leadership, through to his last years where he’s going deeper as he realises that integrating lunch counters didn’t cost the government anything, but jobs and housing will.

So the question he faced was this: how do we make the government act on these structural issues?

By 1967/68, MLK’s political thinking had considerably moved on from the days of his 1963 ‘I have a dream’ speech – yet this political journey is not so widely known about. His structural analysis of race, economy and war and his solutions, were way ahead of his time. Til today, they remain a correct analysis of our world. The same ‘Triple Evils’ he talked of in 1967/68 are still interconnected, only now they are global: $2trillion global military spend; greater levels global inequality; racism and far-right rising.

On MLK Day (Jan 15th) 2018, we launched our new

MLK Global website

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so you can learn more and share more about the visionary that was Martin Luther King. We must continue to campaign for an end to the very same  ‘triple evils’ MLK was calling out, up to and including the night before his assassination.  And to know more about his visionary Economic Bill of Rights

We are looking forward to more UK / London screenings of this extraordinary film at future MLK Global events, in this the 50th year of his assassination.




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